Keep coming back to this page. We'll be constantly updating it with information.
What characters does this site support?
The following characters this site support are...
- King K. Rool
- Lip
- Victini
- Toad
- Slime and Chocobo
- Saki Amamiya
- Black Knight
- Deoxys
- Roy
- Starfy
- Ray
- Paper Mario
What are the group that support this?
There are nine groups; Project Unova, Project Begnion, Operation Hoenn Rising, The Toad Bridgade, The Kremling Krew, The Strong Team!, Ruffian Forever, Panel De Pwnage, Knights of Elibe, Project Legendary Shooting Star, Master Commander, and The Party Members.
Project Unova, Project Begnion, Operation Hoenn Rising, The Toad Birdgade, The Strong Team, Panel De Pwnagde, Project Legendary Shooting Stars, and The Party Members have Blogger sites dedicated to them. Soon, The Krewling Krew, Ruffian Forever, and Knights of Elibe will have their site up.
Project Unova supports Victini, Project Begnion supports The Black Knight, Operation Hoenn Rising supports Deoxys, The Toad Bridgade supports Toad, The Kremling Krew supports King K. Rool, The Strong Team supports Slime and Chocobo, Ruffian Forever supports Saki Amamiya, Panel De Pwnage supports Lip, Knights of Eilbe supports Roy, Project Legendary Shooting Stars supports Starfy, Master Commander supports Ray, and The Party Members supports Paper Mario. Make sure to check them out in the links provided in one of the pages.
Who runs these groups?
Quite a few people (Going by their names on Smash World Forums).
Project Unova: Me (Super Smash Bros. Fan)
Project Begnion: Barbasol
Operation Hoenn Rising: Shortiecanbrawl
The Strong Team! and Ruffian Forever: Starphoenix
The Toad Bridgade: berserker01
The Kremling Krew: CrimsonFeint
Panel De Pwnage and Project Legendary Shooting Stars: Young Horsetail
Knights of Elibe: ChronoBound
Master Commander and The Party Members: Zzuxon
Do I have to support all these characters? I don't like [Insert Username]?
As long as you support at least one of the characters listed above, you are welcome to be part of our campaign. However, you should lend your support to as many sites dedicates to characters you want in the game. The more support we get, the more likely your dream character gets in Smash.
So while supporting as many sites as you can of characters you support is strongly suggested, you do not have to support characters you don't want in.
Will this campaign be a success?
Nothing is guarantee, but if we try hard enough, we may complete our goal entirely. It is better to try and fail then do nothing, because trying and failing at least shows that we tried to make a difference and succeeding showed that we pushed hard enough that caused a difference to occur.